Address: Stima Investment Plaza 1, 3rd Floor Wing A

CR Advocates LLP – Top Trusted Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Law firm in Kenya

Intellectual Property Law Firm in Kenya

CR Advocates LLP is the intellectual property law firm in Kenya. Our specialist intellectual property and franchising lawyers work closely with clients to develop, protect, promote and enforce their intellectual property rights. At CR Advocates LLP, we advise on all aspects of exploitation and use of intellectual property rights as well as the acquisition and use of information technology products and services.

Your Trusted Intellectual Property Lawyers in Kenya

We work in a variety of industries and our specialist industry knowledge coupled with our intellectual property expertise ensures that we are able to provide cost effective advice that is innovative and adds value. At CR Advocates LLP, our lawyers are also experienced in both contentious and non-contentious enforcement of intellectual property rights particular expertise in relation to acquisition of rights, transactions involving licensing and the transfer of technology, technology joint ventures, research and development, supply and distribution agreements, and dispute resolution. We also advise on registration of intellectual property rights to regional and international organizations.

We advise both established and developing businesses and have been involved in a number of mergers and acquisitions, restructurings and public offerings in this field, as well as competition law issues which may arise. We also advise clients on legal issues connected with introducing products to the market such as branding, product information leaflets and advertising. Additionally, we have considerable expertise dealing with data protection and data privacy issues and strategies. Our experts advise clients exploiting technology that involves using, transmitting and trading in information personal to the individual.

Trademark Registration in Kenya

Our intellectually property practice extends to international clients where we have registered a number of patents, service and trademarks as well as copyrights. CR Advocates LLP is the top intellectual property law firm in Kenya. We provide trademark registration in kenya. Contact us for more information.

50+ Clients

100+ Cases Handled

10+ Years of Services


Intellectual Property law involves the protection of the product of the human mind or product of creation or invention.
The types of intellectual property law include trademarks, utility models, copyright, industrial designs, geographical indications and patents.
Geographical indication (GI) is a sign used on products that have a specific Geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin. In order to function as a GI, a sign must identify a product as originating in a given place.
An industrial design constitutes the ornamental aspect of an article. An industrial design may consist of three dimensional features, such as the shape of an article, or two dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or color.
Copyrights protects original expressions such as books, literary writings, software, and entertainment.
These are confidential information with commercial value and a used by the owners in conducting its business.
Passing off is a legal reference for what happens when an individual or a business misrepresents someone else’s goods or services in order to try and sell them as if it was their own.
The benefits of protecting intellectual property are important as no other person will have the right to claim your invention, writings, music, and audio recordings. It basically entitles your exclusive rights of ownership.
A franchise is a type of license that grants franchisee (licensee) access to a franchisor’s (owner of the business) proprietary business knowledge, processes, and trademarks, thus allowing the franchisee to sell a product or service under the franchisor’s business name.

Planning The Case

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Evaluate Situation

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File The Case To The Court

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Gather More Information

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